Titles and categories scraped by algorithm from on-line sources:

Pattern Number: 242

Pattern Title: Front Door Bench

Category: Construction

Sub-Category: Build outdoor details

Up links: 241 Seat Spots 119 Arcades 160 Building Edge 161 Sunny Place 168 Connection to the Earth 130 Entrance Room 241 Seat Spots 155 Old Age Cottage

Horizontal links:

Down links: 242 Front Door Bench 243 Sitting Wall 245 Raised Flowers 241 Seat Spots

Link to source: http://www.patternlanguage.com/apl/apl242/apl242.htm - requires US $5/month subscription to access

Link to Google Books: 242 Front Door Bench - look for result showing just pattern number and title

Summaries of content, keywords and links generated by algorithms. Thank you smmry.com:

Summary 1: SEAT SPOTS, acting within several larger patterns, creates an atmosphere around the edge of the building which invites lingering - ARCADES, BUILDING EDGE, SUNNY PLACE, CONNECTION TO THE EARTH; it is most marked and most important near the entrance -ENTRANCE ROOM.

Summary 2: The process of hanging out requires a continuum of degrees of involvement with the street, ranging all the way from the most private kind to the most public kind.

Summary 3: A young girl watching the street may want to be able to withdraw the moment anyone looks at her too intently.

Summary 4: The most public kind of involvement with the street is sitting out.

Summary 5: Many people, especially older people, pull chairs out to the front door or lean against the front of their houses, either while they are working at something or just for the pleasure of watching street life.

Summary 6: The bench may help to make the entrance visible - MAIN ENTRANCE; it can be part of a wall - SITTING WALL, with flowers in the sunshine next to it - RAISED FLOWERS..

Keywords: street entrance place public bench

Google Image Search: Searching on: street entrance place public bench