Titles and categories scraped by algorithm from on-line sources:
Pattern Number: 241Pattern Title: Seat Spots
Category: Construction
Sub-Category: Build outdoor details
Up links: 121 Path Shape 124 Activity Pockets 140 Private Terrace on the Street 160 Building Edge 161 Sunny Place 163 Outdoor Room 168 Connection to the Earth 174 Trellised Walk 176 Garden Seat
Horizontal links:
Down links: 125 Stair Seats 242 Front Door Bench 243 Sitting Wall
Link to source: http://www.patternlanguage.com/apl/apl241/apl241.htm - requires US $5/month subscription to access
Link to Google Books: 241 Seat Spots - look for result showing just pattern number and title
Summaries of content, keywords and links generated by algorithms. Thank you smmry.com:
Summary 1: In some cases, you will probably have laid out the walls and flowers and seats, at least in rough outline; but it is usually best to make the final decisions about them after the building is really there - so that you can make them fit the building and help to tie it into its surround ings - PATH SHAPE, ACTIVITY POCKETS, PRIVATE TERRACE ON THE STREET, BUILDING EDGE, SUNNY PLACE, OUTDOOR ROOM, CONNECTION TO THE EARTH, TRELLISED WALK, GARDEN SEAT, etc.
Summary 2: Choosing good spots for outdoor seats is far more important than building fancy benches.
Summary 3: We made random spot checks on selected benches in Berkeley, California, and recorded these facts about each bench: Was it occupied or empty? Did it give a view of current activity or not? Was it in the sun or not? What was the current wind velocity? Three of the eleven benches were occupied; eight were empty.
Summary 4: At the moment of observation, all three occupied benches looked onto activity, were in the sun, and had a wind velocity of less than 1-5 feet per second.
Summary 5: Three of them had shelter and activity but no sun; three of them had activity but no sun, and wind greater than 3 feet per second; two of them had sun and shelter but no activity.
Summary 6: If these seats can be made continuous with stairs or building entrances or low walls or ballustrades, so much the better - STAIR SEATS, FRONT DOOR BENCH, SITTING WALL.....
Keywords: bench sun build seat activity
Google Image Search: Searching on: bench sun build seat activity