Titles and categories scraped by algorithm from on-line sources:
Pattern Number: 119Pattern Title: Arcades
Category: Buildings
Sub-Category: Paths and squares
Up links: 116 Cascade of Roofs 100 Pedestrian Street 108 Connected Buildings 98 Circulation Realms
Horizontal links: 101 Building Thoroughfare
Down links: 190 Ceiling Height Variety 117 Sheltering Roof 226 Column Place 224 Low Doorway 227 Column Connections 160 Building Edge 193 Half-open Wall 205 Structure Follows Social Spaces 211 Thickening the Outer Walls
Link to source: http://www.patternlanguage.com/apl/apl119/apl119.htm - requires US $5/month subscription to access
Link to Google Books: 119 Arcades - look for result showing just pattern number and title
Summaries of content, keywords and links generated by algorithms. Thank you smmry.com:
Summary 1: Paths along the building, short paths between buildings, PEDESTRIAN STREET, paths between CONNECTED BUILDINGS, and parts of CIRCULATION REALMS are all best as arcades.
Summary 2: Arcades - covered walkways at the edge of buildings, which are partly inside, partly outside - play a vital role in the way that people interact with buildings.
Summary 3: Wherever paths run along the edge of buildings, build arcades, and use the arcades, above all, to connect up the buildings to one another, so that a person can walk from place to place under the cover of the arcades.
Summary 4: If the major paths through and beside the buildings are genuinely public, covered by an extension of the building, a low arcade, with openings into the building - many doors and windows and half-open walls - then people are drawn into the building; the action is on display, they feel tangentially a part of it.
Summary 5: Arcades run along the building, where it meets the public world; they are open to the public, yet set partly into the building and at least seven feet deep.
Summary 6: The importance of these arcades which pass right through a building depends on the same functional effects as those described in BUILDING THOROUGHFARE..
Keywords: build arcade public world place
Google Image Search: Searching on: build arcade public world place