Titles and categories scraped by algorithm from on-line sources:

Pattern Number: 211

Pattern Title: Thickening the Outer Walls

Category: Construction

Sub-Category: Work out the complete structural layout

Up links: 116 Cascade of Roofs 180 Window Place 197 Thick Walls 199 Sunny Counter 202 Built-in Seats 203 Child Caves 204 Secret Place 209 Roof Layout 210 Floor and Ceiling Layout 197 Thick Walls 179 Alcoves 180 Window Place 197 Thick Walls 199 Sunny Counter 201 Waist-high Shelf 202 Built-in Seats

Horizontal links: 206 Efficient Structure 116 Cascade of Roofs 217 Perimeter Beams

Down links: 220 Roof Vaults 219 Floor-ceiling Vaults 212 Columns at the Corners

Link to source: http://www.patternlanguage.com/apl/apl211/apl211.htm - requires US $5/month subscription to access

Link to Google Books: 211 Thickening the Outer Walls - look for result showing just pattern number and title

Summaries of content, keywords and links generated by algorithms. Thank you smmry.com:

Summary 1: We have established in THICK WALLS, how important it is for the walls of a building to have "Depth" and "Volume," so that character accumulates, in them, with time.

Summary 2: The walls will not usually be thick in the literal sense, except in certain special cases where mud construction, for example, lends itself to the making of walls.

Summary 3: If the framework of a wall is made of columns standing away from the back face of the wall, then the wall invites modification - it becomes natural and easy to nail planks to the columns, and so make seats, and shelves, and changes there.

Summary 4: Theoretically, a person can always add things which stick out from the wall, the very smoothness of the wall makes it much less likely to happen.

Summary 5: In order to make an alcove or thick wall work as a buttress, build its roof as near as possible to a continuation of the curve of the floor vault immediately inside.

Summary 6: When you lay out columns and minor colunms, put a column at the corner of every thick wall, so that the wall space, like other social spaces, becomes a recognizable part of the building structure - COLUMNS AT THE CORNERS..

Keywords: wall thick build column vault

Google Image Search: Searching on: wall thick build column vault