Titles and categories scraped by algorithm from on-line sources:

Pattern Number: 217

Pattern Title: Perimeter Beams

Category: Construction

Sub-Category: Mark the column locations and erect the main frame

Up links: 216 Box Columns 219 Floor-ceiling Vaults 210 Floor and Ceiling Layout

Horizontal links: 206 Efficient Structure 207 Good Materials 207 Good Materials 218 Wall Membrane

Down links: 219 Floor-ceiling Vaults 227 Column Connections

Link to source: http://www.patternlanguage.com/apl/apl217/apl217.htm - requires US $5/month subscription to access

Link to Google Books: 217 Perimeter Beams - look for result showing just pattern number and title

Summaries of content, keywords and links generated by algorithms. Thank you smmry.com:

Summary 1: If you conceive and build a room by first placing columns at the corners, and then gradually weaving the walls and ceiling round them, the room needs a perimeter beam around its upper edge.

Summary 2: Build a continuous perimeter beam around the room, strong enough to resist the horizontal thrust of the vault above, to spread the loads from upper stories onto columns, to tie the columns together, and to function as a lintel over openings in the wall.

Summary 3: The conceptual simplicity and rightness of the beam around the room comes, in the end, from the more basic fact that this beam has a number of related structural functions, which make it an essential part of any room built as a natural structure.

Summary 4: These functions of the perimeter beam show that the beam must be as continuous as possible with walls and columns above, the walls and columns below, and with the floor.

Summary 5: The wooden channel can first be made continuous with other skin elements by nailing, and the fill can then be made continuous by filling columns and beams and walls and vault in one continuous pour - see WALL MEMBRANES and FLOOR-CEILING VAULTS.

Summary 6: Strengthen the connection between the columns and the perimeter beam with diagonal braces where the columns are free standing COLUMN CONNECTION.....

Keywords: beam column wall perimeter vault

Google Image Search: Searching on: beam column wall perimeter vault