Titles and categories scraped by algorithm from on-line sources:

Pattern Number: 206

Pattern Title: Efficient Structure

Category: Construction

Sub-Category: Let the structure grow directly from your plans and your conception of the buildings

Up links: 205 Structure Follows Social Spaces

Horizontal links: 191 The Shape of Indoor Space 190 Ceiling Height Variety 205 Structure Follows Social Spaces 207 Good Materials 207 Good Materials 213 Final Column Distribution

Down links: 210 Floor and Ceiling Layout 219 Floor-ceiling Vaults 209 Roof Layout 220 Roof Vaults 213 Final Column Distribution 212 Columns at the Corners 217 Perimeter Beams 216 Box Columns 218 Wall Membrane 225 Frames as Thickened Edges 227 Column Connections

Link to source: http://www.patternlanguage.com/apl/apl206/apl206.htm - requires US $5/month subscription to access

Link to Google Books: 206 Efficient Structure - look for result showing just pattern number and title

Summaries of content, keywords and links generated by algorithms. Thank you smmry.com:

Summary 1: In its geometry, conceive it as a three-dimensional system of individually vaulted spaces, most of them roughly rectangular; with thin load-bearing walls, each stiffened by columns at intervals along its length, thickened where walls meet walls and where walls meet vaults and stiffened around the openings.

Summary 2: Right angles tend to create discontinuities: forces can be distributed throughout the building only if there are diagonal fillets wherever walls meet ceilings, walls meet walls, and columns meet beams.

Summary 3: The wall provides it naturally; and the continuity of the walls, floor, and ceiling can only be created by the action of a wall that ties them together.

Summary 4: Connections between walls and floors, and between walls and walls, must all be thickened by extra material that forms a fillet along the seam.

Summary 5: We know from THE SHAPE OF INDOOR SPACE that we cannot avoid rough right angles where walls meet walls; and of course, there must be rough right angles where walls meet floors.

Summary 6: The layout of the stiffeners which make the walls is given in FINAL COLUMN DISTRIBUTION; the layout of the thickening where walls meet walls is given by COLUMNS AT THE CORNERS; the thickening where walls meet vaults is given by PERIMETER BEAMS; the construction of the columns and the walls is given by BOX COLUMNS and WALL MEMBRANES; the thickening of doors and window frames is given by FRAMES AS THICKENED EDGES; and the non- right-angled connection between columns and beams by COLUMN CONNECTION.....

Keywords: wall structure material building space

Google Image Search: Searching on: wall structure material building space