Titles and categories scraped by algorithm from on-line sources:

Pattern Number: 197

Pattern Title: Thick Walls

Category: Buildings

Sub-Category: Give the walls some depth

Up links: 191 The Shape of Indoor Space 179 Alcoves 180 Window Place 190 Ceiling Height Variety 160 Building Edge

Horizontal links:

Down links: 211 Thickening the Outer Walls 200 Open Shelves 212 Columns at the Corners 180 Window Place 198 Closets Between Rooms 199 Sunny Counter 201 Waist-high Shelf 202 Built-in Seats 203 Child Caves 204 Secret Place

Link to source: http://www.patternlanguage.com/apl/apl197/apl197.htm - requires US $5/month subscription to access

Link to Google Books: 197 Thick Walls - look for result showing just pattern number and title

Summaries of content, keywords and links generated by algorithms. Thank you smmry.com:

Summary 1: Smooth hard flat industrialized walls make it impossible for people to express their own identity, because most of the identity of a dwelling lies in or near its surfaces - in the 3 or 4 feet near the walls.

Summary 2: The house will become personal only if the walls are so constructed that each new family can leave its mark on them - they must, in other words, invite incremental fine adjustments, so that the variety of the inhabitants who live in it rubs off on them.

Summary 3: To contain shelves, cabinets, displays, special lights, special surfaces, deep window reveals, individual niches, built in seats and nooks, the walls must be at least a foot deep; perhaps even three or four feet deep.

Summary 4: After a year or two of occupancy, each dwelling will begin to show its own characteristic pattern of niches, bay windows, breakfast nooks, seats built into the walls, shelves, closets, lighting arrangements, sunken parts of the floor, raised parts of the ceiling.

Summary 5: Each house will have a memory; the characteristics and personalities of different human individuals can be written in the thickness of the walls; the houses will become progressively more and more differentiated as they grow older, and the process of personal adaptation - both by choice and by piecemeal modification - has room to breathe.

Summary 6: Feet, build the thickness and the volume of the walls according to the process described in THICKENING THE OUTER WALLS; where it is less, a foot or 18 inches, build it from open shelves stretched between deep vertical columns - OPEN SHELVES, COLUMNS AT THE CORNERS..

Keywords: wall house personal people more

Google Image Search: Searching on: wall house personal people more