Titles and categories scraped by algorithm from on-line sources:

Pattern Number: 117

Pattern Title: Sheltering Roof

Category: Buildings

Sub-Category: Entrances, gardens, courtyards, roofs and terraces

Up links: 107 Wings of Light 116 Cascade of Roofs

Horizontal links:

Down links: 220 Roof Vaults 145 Bulk Storage 119 Arcades 166 Gallery Surround 118 Roof Garden 231 Dormer Windows 209 Roof Layout

Link to source: http://www.patternlanguage.com/apl/apl117/apl117.htm - requires US $5/month subscription to access

Link to Google Books: 117 Sheltering Roof - look for result showing just pattern number and title

Summaries of content, keywords and links generated by algorithms. Thank you smmry.com:

Summary 1: Slope the roof or make a vault of it, make its entire surface visible, and bring the eaves of the roof down low, as low as 6'0" or 6'6" at places like the entrance, where people pause.

Summary 2: Build the top story of each wing right into the roof, so that the roof does not only cover it, but actually surrounds it.

Summary 3: In one study, the importance of images - i.e., symbols - for house form is stressed, and the pitched roof is said to be symbolic of shelter while the flat roof is not, and is therefore unacceptable on symbolic grounds.

Summary 4: Despite 50 years of the flat roofs of the "Modern movement," people still find the simple pitched roof the most powerful symbol of shelter.

Summary 5: Get the exact shape of the cross section from ROOF VAULTS ; use the space inside the top of the sloped roof for BULK STORAGE; where the roof comes down low, perhaps make it continuous with an ARCADE or GALLERY SURROUND.

Summary 6: Build the roof flat, not sloped, only where people can get out to it to use it as a garden - ROOF GARDENS; where rooms are built into the roof, make windows in the roof - DORMER WINDOWS - If the building plan is complex, get the exact way that different sloped roofs meet from ROOF LAYOUT..

Keywords: roof build shelter people pitched

Google Image Search: Searching on: roof build shelter people pitched