Titles and categories scraped by algorithm from on-line sources:
Pattern Number: 103Pattern Title: Small Parking Lots
Category: Buildings
Sub-Category: The overall arangement of a group of buildings
Up links: 32 Shopping Street 37 House Cluster 41 Work Community 51 Green Streets 53 Main Gateways 98 Circulation Realms 97 Shielded Parking 22 Nine Per Cent Parking
Horizontal links: 22 Nine Per Cent Parking
Down links: 98 Circulation Realms 106 Positive Outdoor Space
Link to source: http://www.patternlanguage.com/apl/apl103/apl103.htm - requires US $5/month subscription to access
Link to Google Books: 103 Small Parking Lots - look for result showing just pattern number and title
Summaries of content, keywords and links generated by algorithms. Thank you smmry.com:
Summary 1: Since a small parking lot is a kind of gateway - the place - where you leave your car, and enter a pedestrian realm - this pattern helps to complete SHOPPING STREETS, HOUSE CLUSTER, WORK COMMUNITY, GREEN STREETS, MAIN GATEWAYS, CIRCULATION REALMS, and any other areas which need small and convenient amounts of parking.
Summary 2: Make parking lots small, serving no more than five to seven cars, each lot surrounded by garden walls, hedges, fences, slopes, and trees, so that from outside the cars are almost invisible.
Summary 3: In NINE PER CENT PARKING, we have suggested that the fabric of society is threatened by the mere existence of cars, if areas for parked cars take up more than 9 or 10 per cent of the land in a community.
Summary 4: Large parking lots, suited for the cars, have all the wrong properties for people.
Summary 5: Our observations suggest that parking lots for four cars are still essentially pedestrian and human in character; that lots for six cars are acceptable; but that any area near a parking lot which holds eight cars is already clearly identifiable as "Car dominated territory".
Summary 6: Shield even these quite modest parking lots with garden walls, and trees, and fences, so that they help to generate the space around them - POSITIVE OUTDOOR SPACE, TREE PLACES, GARDEN WALLS.....
Keywords: parked lot car seven place
Google Image Search: Searching on: parked lot car seven place