Titles and categories scraped by algorithm from on-line sources:

Pattern Number: 22

Pattern Title: Nine Per Cent Parking

Category: Towns

Sub-Category: Character of local environments

Up links: 11 Local Transport Areas 12 Community of 7000 14 Identifiable Neighborhood

Horizontal links: 16 Web of Public Transportation

Down links: 97 Shielded Parking 103 Small Parking Lots

Link to source: http://www.patternlanguage.com/apl/apl22/apl22.htm - requires US $5/month subscription to access

Link to Google Books: 22 Nine Per Cent Parking - look for result showing just pattern number and title

Summaries of content, keywords and links generated by algorithms. Thank you smmry.com:

Summary 1: The more parking they provide, the less possible it will be to maintain these patterns, because the parking spaces will attract cars, which in turn violate the local transport areas and neighborhoods - LOCAL TRANSPORT AREAS, COMMUNITY OF 7000, IDENTIFIABLE NEIGHBORHOOD.

Summary 2: The pattern becomes meaningless if we allow ourselves to place the parking generated by a piece of land A, on another adjacent piece of land B, thus keeping parking on A below 9 per cent, but raising the parking on B to more than 9 per cent.

Summary 3: The 9 per cent rule has a clear and immediate implication for the balance between surface parking and parking in garages, at different parking densities.

Summary 4: Twenty parking spaces will consume about 7000 square feet, which would be 17 per cent of the land if it were all in surface parking.

Summary 5: Since underground parking will only rarely satisfy the conditions we have stated, the pattern really says that almost no part of the urban area may have more than 30 parking spaces per acre.

Summary 6: Two later patterns say that parking must take one of two forms: tiny, surface parking lots, or shielded parking structures - SHIELDED PARKING, SMALL PARKING LOTS..

Keywords: park per cent car land

Google Image Search: Searching on: park per cent car land