Titles and categories scraped by algorithm from on-line sources:
Pattern Number: 69Pattern Title: Public Outdoor Room
Category: Towns
Sub-Category: Local common land
Up links: 53 Main Gateways 60 Accessible Green 61 Small Public Squares 67 Common Land 100 Pedestrian Street 120 Paths and Goals
Horizontal links: 73 Adventure Playground 84 Teenage Society 93 Food Stands
Down links: 129 Common Areas at the Heart 121 Path Shape 124 Activity Pockets 160 Building Edge 163 Outdoor Room 115 Courtyards which Live 119 Arcades 244 Canvas Roofs 125 Stair Seats 240 Half-inch Trim
Link to source: http://www.patternlanguage.com/apl/apl69/apl69.htm - requires US $5/month subscription to access
Link to Google Books: 69 Public Outdoor Room - look for result showing just pattern number and title
Summaries of content, keywords and links generated by algorithms. Thank you smmry.com:
Summary 1: The common land in MAIN GATEWAYS, ACCESSIBLE GREEN, SMALL PUBLIC SQUARES, COMMON LAND, PEDESTRIAN STREET, PATHS AND GOALS needs at least some place where hanging out and being "Out" in public become possible.
Summary 2: In every neighborhood and work community, make a piece of the common land into an outdoor room - a partly enclosed place, with some roof, columns, without walls, perhaps with a trellis; place it beside an important path and within view of many homes and workshops.
Summary 3: According to staff reports, these places changed the life of the clinic dramatically: many more people than had been usual were drawn into the outdoors, public talk was more animated, outdoor space that had always been dominated by automobiles suddenly became human and the cars had to inch along.
Summary 4: Public outdoor room built by Chatin and Gordon in Cleveland, Ohio.
Summary 5: In all, Chapin and Gordon and their crew built seven public outdoor rooms in the neighborhood.
Summary 6: Place the outdoor room where several paths are tangent to it, like any other common area - COMMON AREAS AT THE HEART; in the bulge of a path - PATH SHAPE; or around a square - ACTIVITY POCKETS; use surrounding BUILDING EDGES to define part of it; build it like any smaller outdoor room, with columns, and half-trellised roofs - OUTDOOR ROOM; perhaps put an open courtyard next to it - COURTYARDS WHICH LIVE, an ARCADE around the edge, or other simple cover - CANVAS ROOFS, and seats for casual sitting - STAIR SEATS, SEAT SPOTS.....
Keywords: outdoor room public land place
Google Image Search: Searching on: outdoor room public land place