Titles and categories scraped by algorithm from on-line sources:
Pattern Number: 61Pattern Title: Small Public Squares
Category: Towns
Sub-Category: Public open land
Up links: 30 Activity Nodes 31 Promenade 41 Work Community 14 Identifiable Neighborhood
Horizontal links: 123 Pedestrian Density
Down links: 123 Pedestrian Density 124 Activity Pockets 106 Positive Outdoor Space 114 Hierarchy of Open Space 122 Building Fronts 125 Stair Seats 126 Something Roughly in the Middle
Link to source: http://www.patternlanguage.com/apl/apl61/apl61.htm - requires US $5/month subscription to access
Link to Google Books: 61 Small Public Squares - look for result showing just pattern number and title
Summaries of content, keywords and links generated by algorithms. Thank you smmry.com:
Summary 1: Make a public square much smaller than you would at first imagine; usually no more than 45 to 60 feet across, never more than 70 feet across.
Summary 2: When the diameter gets above 70 feet, the squares begin to seem deserted and unpleasant.
Summary 3: The only exceptions we know are places like the Piazza San Marco and Trafalgar Square, which are great town centers, teeming with people.
Summary 4: What possible functional basis is there for these observations? First, we know from the pattern, PEDESTRIAN DENSITY, that a place begins to seem deserted when it has more than about 300 square feet per person.
Summary 5: Since there are far far better chances Of 4 or 12 people being in a certain place than 33, the smaller squares will feel comfortable for a far greater percentage of the time.
Summary 6: An even better estimate for the size of the square: make a guess about the number of people who will typically be there, and make the area of the square no greater than 150 to 300P square feet - PEDESTRIAN DENSITY; ring the square around with pockets of activity where people congregate - ACTIVITY POCKETS ; build buildings round the square in such a way that they give it a definite shape, with views out into other larger places - POSITIVE OUTDOOR SPACE, HIERARCHY OF OPEN SPACE, BUILDING FRONTS, STAIR SEATS; and to make the center of the square as useful as the edges, build SOMETHING ROUGHLY IN THE MIDDLE.....
Keywords: square feet people place public
Google Image Search: Searching on: square feet people place public