Titles and categories scraped by algorithm from on-line sources:

Pattern Number: 99

Pattern Title: Main Building

Category: Buildings

Sub-Category: The overall arangement of a group of buildings

Up links: 95 Building Complex 96 Number of Stories 98 Circulation Realms

Horizontal links:

Down links: 129 Common Areas at the Heart 116 Cascade of Roofs 205 Structure Follows Social Spaces

Link to source: http://www.patternlanguage.com/apl/apl99/apl99.htm - requires US $5/month subscription to access

Link to Google Books: 99 Main Building - look for result showing just pattern number and title

Summaries of content, keywords and links generated by algorithms. Thank you smmry.com:

Summary 1: Once you have decided more or less how people will move around within the BUILDING COMPLEX, and roughly how high the buildings will be - NUMIBER OF STORIES - it is time to try and find the natural heart or center of the building complex, to help complete its CIRCULATION REALMS.

Summary 2: For any collection of buildings, decide which building in the group houses the most essential function - which building is the soul of the group, as a human institution.

Summary 3: Even if the building complex is so dense that it is a single building, build the main part of it higher and more prominent than the rest, so that the eye goes immediately to the part which is the most important.

Summary 4: From the point of view of the group of users - the workers or the inhabitants - the sense of community and connection is heightened when one building or a part of one building is singled out and treated as a main building, common to all, the heart of the institution.

Summary 5: Build all the main paths tangent to the main building, in arcades or glazed corridors, with a direct view into its main functions - COMMON AREAS AT THE HEART.

Summary 6: Make the roof cascade down from the high roof over the main building to lower roofs over the smaller build ings - CASCADE OF ROOFS..

Keywords: build main complex roof point

Google Image Search: Searching on: build main complex roof point