Titles and categories scraped by algorithm from on-line sources:
Pattern Number: 57Pattern Title: Children in the City
Category: Towns
Sub-Category: Local road and path network
Up links: 23 Parallel Roads 31 Promenade 49 Looped Local Roads 51 Green Streets 52 Network of Paths and Cars 56 Bike Paths and Racks 18 Network of Learning
Horizontal links:
Down links: 164 Street Windows 68 Connected Play 73 Adventure Playground 85 Shopfront Schools 86 Children's Home 40 Old People Everywhere 41 Work Community 43 University as Marketplace 70 Grave Sites 72 Local Sports 74 Animals 84 Teenage Society
Link to source: http://www.patternlanguage.com/apl/apl57/apl57.htm - requires US $5/month subscription to access
Link to Google Books: 57 Children in the City - look for result showing just pattern number and title
Summaries of content, keywords and links generated by algorithms. Thank you smmry.com:
Summary 1: Now, finally, to complete the paths and roads, it is essential to define at least one place, right in the very heart of cities, where children can be completely free and safe.
Summary 2: If children are not able to explore the whole of the adult world round about them, they cannot become adults.
Summary 3: The adults transmit their ethos and their way of life to children through their actions, not through statements.
Summary 4: In simple villages, children spend their days side by side with farmers in the fields, side by side with people who are building houses, side by side with all the daily actions of the men and women round about them: making pottery, counting money, curing the sick, praying to God, grinding corn, arguing about the future of the village.
Summary 5: We imagine a carefully developed childrens' bicycle path, within the larger network of bike paths.
Summary 6: Line the children's path with windows, especially from rooms that are in frequent use, so that the eyes upon the street make it safe for the children - STREET WINDOWS ; make it touch the children's places all along the path - CONNECTED PLAY, ADVENTURE PLAYGROUND, SHOPFRONT SCHOOLS, CHILDREN'S HOME, but also make it touch other phases of the life cycle - OLD PEOPLE EVERYWHERE, WORK COMMUNITY, UNIVERSITY AS A MARKETPLACE, GRAVE SITES, LOCAL SPORTS, ANIMALS, TEENAGE SOCIETY .....
Keywords: children path adult city through
Google Image Search: Searching on: children path adult city through