Titles and categories scraped by algorithm from on-line sources:

Pattern Number: 189

Pattern Title: Dressing Room

Category: Buildings

Sub-Category: Inside, attach necessary minor rooms and alcoves

Up links: 187 Marriage Bed 188 Bed Alcove 144 Bathing Room

Horizontal links: 188 Bed Alcove 159 Light on Two Sides of Every Room

Down links: 159 Light on Two Sides of Every Room 197 Thick Walls 198 Closets Between Rooms 200 Open Shelves 201 Waist-high Shelf 191 The Shape of Indoor Space

Link to source: http://www.patternlanguage.com/apl/apl189/apl189.htm - requires US $5/month subscription to access

Link to Google Books: 189 Dressing Room - look for result showing just pattern number and title

Summaries of content, keywords and links generated by algorithms. Thank you smmry.com:

Summary 1: If the beds are in position - MARRIAGE BED, BED ALCOVES - we can give detailed attention to the dressing spaces - both to the closets where people keep their clothes and to the space they use for dressing.

Summary 2: These dressing spaces may also help to form the BATHING ROOM.

Summary 3: A dressing space can be for one person or shared by a couple.

Summary 4: The important thing is that it be organized as a small space where it is comfortable to store clothes and to dress.

Summary 5: If you dwell, for a moment, on this transitional quality of dressing, it seems clear that the dressing space can be made to help support it.

Summary 6: The dressing space should be large enough, with room to stretch your arms and turn around..

Keywords: dress space room clothes bed

Google Image Search: Searching on: dress space room clothes bed