Titles and categories scraped by algorithm from on-line sources:

Pattern Number: 6

Pattern Title: Country Towns

Category: Towns

Sub-Category: Regional policies

Up links: 2 The Distribution of Towns

Horizontal links:

Down links: 12 Community of 7000 26 Life Cycle 7 The Countryside

Link to source: http://www.patternlanguage.com/apl/apl6/apl6.htm - requires US $5/month subscription to access

Link to Google Books: 6 Country Towns - look for result showing just pattern number and title

Summaries of content, keywords and links generated by algorithms. Thank you smmry.com:

Summary 1: Preserve country towns where they exist; and encourage the growth of new self-contained towns, with populations between 500 and 10,000, entirely surrounded by open countryside and at least 10 miles from neighboring towns.

Summary 2: During the last 30 years, 30 million rural Americans have been forced to leave their farms and small towns and migrate to crowded cities.

Summary 3: Unless steps are taken to recharge the life of country towns, the cities will swamp those towns which lie the nearest to them; and will rob those which lie furthest out of their most vigorous inhabitants.

Summary 4: There are connections between small towns and cities that take the form of social services, that are irreplaceable: small town visits, farm weekends and vacations for city dwellers, schools and camps in the countryside for city children, small town retirement for old people who do not like the pace of city life.

Summary 5: Let the city invite small towns to provide these services, as grassroots ventures, and the city, or private groups, will pay for the cost of the service.

Summary 6: Treat each of these small towns as a political community, with full provision for all the stages of human life - COMMUNITY OF 7000, LIFE CYCLE..

Keywords: town small city life people

Google Image Search: Searching on: town small city life people