Titles and categories scraped by algorithm from on-line sources:

Pattern Number: 59

Pattern Title: Quiet Backs

Category: Towns

Sub-Category: Public open land

Up links: 9 Scattered Work 40 Old People Everywhere

Horizontal links: 64 Pools and Streams

Down links: 64 Pools and Streams 71 Still Water 171 Tree Places 60 Accessible Green 173 Garden Wall

Link to source: http://www.patternlanguage.com/apl/apl59/apl59.htm - requires US $5/month subscription to access

Link to Google Books: 59 Quiet Backs - look for result showing just pattern number and title

Summaries of content, keywords and links generated by algorithms. Thank you smmry.com:

Summary 1: Give the buildings in the busy parts of town a quiet "Back" behind them and away from the noise.

Summary 2: The walk along the Seine, through the middle of Paris, is a classic "Quiet back" in the middle of a fast city.

Summary 3: A beautiful case is the University of Cambridge: each college has its "Backs" - quiet courts stretching down to the River Cam.

Summary 4: The need for quiet backs goes far beyond the university.

Summary 5: If the front is given over to the street life, cars, shopping paths, delivery - then the back can be reserved for quiet.

Summary 6: If the back is to be quiet, a place where you can hear only natural sounds - winds, birds, water - it is critical that it be protected..

Keywords: quiet back build walk where

Google Image Search: Searching on: quiet back build walk where