Titles and categories scraped by algorithm from on-line sources:

Pattern Number: 239

Pattern Title: Small Panes

Category: Construction

Sub-Category: Put in the surfaces and indoor details

Up links: 194 Interior Windows 221 Natural Doors and Windows 236 Windows which Open Wide 237 Solid Doors with Glass 225 Frames as Thickened Edges

Horizontal links: 238 Filtered Light

Down links: 238 Filtered Light

Link to source: http://www.patternlanguage.com/apl/apl239/apl239.htm - requires US $5/month subscription to access

Link to Google Books: 239 Small Panes - look for result showing just pattern number and title

Summaries of content, keywords and links generated by algorithms. Thank you smmry.com:

Summary 1: The smaller the windows are, and the smaller the panes are, the more intensely windows help connect us with what is on the other side.

Summary 2: Our contact with the view, our contact with the things we see through windows is affected by the way the window frames them.

Summary 3: When we consider a window as an eye through which to see a view, we must recognize that it is the extent to which the window frames the view, that increases the view, increases its intensity, increases its variety, even increases the number of views we seem to see - and it is because of this that windows which are broken into smaller windows, and windows which are filled with tiny panes, put us so intimately in touch with what is on the other side.

Summary 4: Thomas Markus, who has studied windows extensively, has arrived at the same conclusion: windows which are broken up make for more interesting views.

Summary 5: He points out that small and narrow windows afford different views from different positions in the room, while the view tends to be the same through large windows or horizontal ones.

Summary 6: Another argument for small panes: Modern architecture and building have deliberately tried to make windows less like windows and more as though there was nothing between you and the outdoors..

Keywords: window view small panes more

Google Image Search: Searching on: window view small panes more