Titles and categories scraped by algorithm from on-line sources:
Pattern Number: 214Pattern Title: Root Foundations
Category: Construction
Sub-Category: Mark the column locations and erect the main frame
Up links: 212 Columns at the Corners 213 Final Column Distribution 104 Site Repair 168 Connection to the Earth
Horizontal links: 216 Box Columns
Down links: 216 Box Columns
Link to source: http://www.patternlanguage.com/apl/apl214/apl214.htm - requires US $5/month subscription to access
Link to Google Books: 214 Root Foundations - look for result showing just pattern number and title
Summaries of content, keywords and links generated by algorithms. Thank you smmry.com:
Summary 1: Once you have a rough column plan for the building - COLUMNS AT THE CORNERS, FINAL COLUMN DISTRIBUTION - you are ready to start the site work itself.
Summary 2: First, stake out the positions of the ground floor columns, before you do any other earthwork, so that you can move the columns whenever necessary to leave rocks or plants intact - SITE REPAIR, CONNECTION TO THE EARTH.
Summary 3: Try to find a way of making foundations in which the columns themselves go right into the earth, and spread out there - so that the footing is continuous with the material of the column, and the column, with its footing, like a tree root, can resist tension and horizontal shear as well as compression.
Summary 4: When the column and the foundations are separate elements which have to be connected, the connection becomes a difficult and critical joint.
Summary 5: Since columns start out hollow, BOX COLUMNS, we can form a root foundation by setting the hollow column into the foundation pit, and then pouring the lower part of the column and the foundation, integrally, in a single pour.
Summary 6: To make foundations like this for hollow concrete, filled box columns, start with a pit for each foundation, place the'hollow column in the pit, and pour the column and the foundation integrally, in one continuous pour - BOX COLUMNS..
Keywords: column foundation ground work root
Google Image Search: Searching on: column foundation ground work root