Titles and categories scraped by algorithm from on-line sources:

Pattern Number: 137

Pattern Title: Children's Realm

Category: Buildings

Sub-Category: The most important areas and rooms (in a house)

Up links: 76 House for a Small Family 129 Common Areas at the Heart 136 Couple's Realm 68 Connected Play

Horizontal links: 129 Common Areas at the Heart

Down links: 139 Farmhouse Kitchen 157 Home Workshop 144 Bathing Room 143 Bed Cluster 132 Short Passages 163 Outdoor Room

Link to source: http://www.patternlanguage.com/apl/apl137/apl137.htm - requires US $5/month subscription to access

Link to Google Books: 137 Children's Realm - look for result showing just pattern number and title

Summaries of content, keywords and links generated by algorithms. Thank you smmry.com:

Summary 1: If the common area and couple's realm are in position, it is now possible to weave in this partly separate, partly overlapping place for children, which we call a realm, although we recognize that it is not a separate realm but more an aspect of the house, reserved for children, a mode of functioning which is physically separate only in certain parts.

Summary 2: If children do not have space to release a tremendous amount of energy when they need to, they will drive themselves and everybody else in the family up the wall.

Summary 3: We therefore conclude that all the places which children need and use should form one continuous geometrical swath, which does not include the couple's realm, the adult private rooms, or any formal, quiet sitting spaces.

Summary 4: The children's private spaces can be off the playspace, but it must be possible to close them off.

Summary 5: Children take up the suggestive qualities of spaces - on sight of a little cave-like space, they will decide to play house; on sight of a raised platform, they will decide to put on a play.

Summary 6: If there is an adequate children's world, in the manner described in this pattern, then both the adults and children can co-exist, each without dominating the other..

Keywords: children space room playspace house

Google Image Search: Searching on: children space room playspace house